June 4, 2000

It's been too long....

Personality differences
Handwriting differences
Need to meet needs
Mothering ingrained
Need for silence
Need for non-boredom
Need for unviolent
in your face
right now
Raw hunger
Or just personality
Or just tired of mothering this one
Cycle it

Real life things like bills and a roof and food
Require I not play work
Perfect control and behavior
In one corner of my life

Rebellion to what? I'm not sure but
Lest the bars lock me
I rattle my cage
In another corner of my life

Roulette now with those I love and who love me
What need is this that feeds
On the status quo
In this corner of my life

Raw pain smothered in actions so I don't feel
Trapped and cornered with
Knots that burst into flame
In what corner of my life

A curse to those who love me
I know so I protect myself
But should they love me anyway

A curse to those who love me
I know so I torture them
Because they love me anyway

Why? Because I can meet needs without strings
for him and for me
Strings of love of expectation of commitment
I can see his smile feel his responce and
touch it feel it embrace it
Because we both know our response is
without strings
for him and for me